Thursday, 27 November 2014


Well after having over done it on Monday with 3x10

I waited it got better in 2 days or so.

Today I did 2x5 reps so we'll see

This is closer to the blog

So we'll see how we go.

Monday, 24 November 2014


Sunday night was uncomfy just lying down on my back

Sort of coming and going pains, seeming to come from where the tendon and the kneecap meet.

Laying on my side (which 2 weeks ago would have definitely bought sharp pain) seemed to help, but only for a bit,

Eventually managed to get to sleep.

Woke up feeling okay, usual unconscious stretch bought a bit of pain.

The minute I got up and put some weight on it it starts to feel a bit off.

Rode into work okay.

Did a bent knee walk downstairs, no pain but afterwards sat down like a stretchy tingly sensation in PT area like a coldness.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

The weekend

Saturday things felt good

Went to therapy we did eccentric stuff and worked on walking down stairs

I need to teach my body to walk down stairs again

I got no pain walking down stairs and bending my knee

Have tight vastus lateralis

Sunday felt okay when I woke increasingly uncomfortable during the day ice at around 7 helped.

Still feels warmer to me swelling a little

Working to hard or normal?

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Gap closer Thursday

Not the best week, ever after a good sunday, monday was sucky weak feeling, that tight mushy blocked up feeling in the knee again.

Monday did some foam rolling and got alot of heat wasn't sure if it was inflammation so stopped.

Tuesday went to the docs, leg felt better on Tuesday, didn't get the Ostenil Plus injection doc examined knee and did the usual tests said things are looking better. Injection is there if I need it. So that was good.

Wednesday knee felt awful again, squashy weak etc, went to bed got heat flare up whilst lying in bed...

Thursday today, felt a little better no flare up so far has felt a bit warm? Is this just normal? Any way did some foam rolling without too much trouble.

Decided to get decline board a go did 3x10 squats used chairs to help on way back up, felt okay a little tingly afterwards, will try and work backup to doing the full foam roller, stretch, squats program.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Monday night

Foam rollered

Got a bit of inflammation heat and swelling stopped everything.

Monday AM


So weak again on a Monday wierd, is it the bike ride? Seems weak in the top soreish on the top quads, probably from the massage.

Bike ride felt okay.

No morning pain :)

Tonight we try the eccentric decline squats 3x10 chair supported.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Weekend megaupdate

Friday night did foam rolling and a bit of stretching, decline board arrived but have not used it, from the basics of just standing on it its going to take some doing.

Pain has been lower, think i'm getting inflammation still, injection? I basically have gone back to icing any thing that feels like inflammation, heat and puffiness.

Ordered step and foam roller.

Went to sports therapist, he worked on adductors, ouch, seemed to help loosen up knee

I have knobbly foam roller coming on monday to help with this.

I need to address this weakness in the right leg as I'm not sure what is actually happening now, is my left weaker because the trigger points are gone, ie as a result of the massage and thats what is causing me to be unable to control my leg downstairs or what?

Friday, 14 November 2014

Friday morning

Last night did all the usual FR stuff, abductors still sore
General feeling of tenderness in the PT today
Some pain in the usual spot on the lower left of the PT, some tingling.
Seems less if I cross my feet, maybe tight abductors are pulling it? IANAPT..
Hopefully will see the ST this weekend not sure how to get there tho
Got to say leg feels a little stronger on the bike (when i'm standing on the one pedal on the right)

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Thu Afternoon

Felt okay today, managed to get no pain in mornings.

Leg felt a little stronger today cycle to work was okay. Has felt strong before and gone back so who knows. The hardest part is not knowing if

A It will get better.
B If it is getting better or i'm just alternating good and bad periods.

I think i'm still getting some inflammation even if it's a small amount going to start icing a bit again.

Possible injection Ostenil Plus on 18th, still not sure if I want or need it.

Probably will get it if the consultant says it will do no harm.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Wed post excersice update.

Wed update

Cycled home no incidents, weak leg when taking off using left leg to pedal.
Home looks a bit swollen no real heat
Did foam rollers, left left abductors felt a lot less sore, right still pretty sore
Left leg quads sore, right okay, felth PT referral on left left about midway up left quad.
Left outer quad (IT band area) no probs, right really sore....

All other massage stuff normal.

Stretches ojkay calves, hammys etc getting a bit deeper, still hard to flex at hips

Massive discrepancy quad stretch right leg is massively better than left. (how is it my right left that is bad)

Tight knee on right quad stretch but eased off, okay after stretch

Balance Standing exercise normal maybe a bit more activation in right left inner quad does not want to work though

Afterward tingly in PT no pain.

Wed afternoon

Soreness around joint and in calf, probably from exercise last night.


Wed mornng

Managed to avoid being on my side in the morning avoided pain, hard to avoid involuntary spasms that cause the quad to tighten and give me pain in the PT

No seated pain yet, still feels a bit fragile, and activated like its buzzing a bit hard to explain

Biker ride was okay few niggles but not bad, took it easy and kept a low gear.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Tuesday evening

Cycled home, leg feels okay
Arrived home still getting pains in knee when seated and knee is at 45 degree angle.
Performed exercises
Normal foam roller and ball work abductors still sore on right leg legs, glutes etc
Stretches calves hammys and quads
Did alternate leg balances 15 per sec 30 second hold, felt like quads were activating a bit more, actually felt quite good at end like I had more control of leg lowering.

Sat down at PC leg still getting random pains in specific parts of PT comes and goes...
Walking and stairs all okay
Tightness in top of left knee.

Tuesday afternoon

Still pain

comes and goes, sometimes you can just grit it out and sometimes not

Just applied pressure either side of tendon seemed to calm pain a bit.

Tuesday update

Monday night

Foam roller, concentrated on abductors, quads and glutes good session made left knee feel relief.
Stretches calves and quads good quad stretch on right leg this always is tight then relief
Attempted step downs, right knee felt pretty tight and sore with even a small load.


Woke up found my self rolled over, got the warm pain straightened leg

Rode to work, felt okay

At work pain keeps coming usual place when leg is bent while sitting, annoying.

The current status

What have I done about it so far

Rest, stopped cycling with the club, stopped solo rides on my road bike. Limited walking no other exercises.

Getting to work I have to travel around a mile or so, usually I ride my bike, swapped to mountain bike for low gears, not sure if this still causes issues.

Walking was worse for it than biking in my experience still not sure the biking doesn't aggravate it

Ice, Iced swelling, swelling seems to have stopped happening so much and if it does it's small and goes down really quickly, this is in the last week or so. Can be quite hard tell if it's swelling or just fat/skin around knee, no real warmth

Therapy, visited sports therapist have done maybe 8 or so sessions

So far we have done, massage, muscle releases and range of motion stuff, working to trying to rebuild quad muscles, working on hips and general lower body

Current symptoms/issues

Knee becomes stiff after standing still for a period of time, washing dishes etc, afterward walking is uncomfortable in the initial pickup stage.

Warmish pain in PT when leg in certain positions, this seems quite random comes on over a few seconds ie gets ramps up and then goes, seems to mainly radiating from the interior of the lower part of ligament.

This happens in the mornings if I lie on my side with my legs slightly bent, pain subsides if leg is straightened or sometimes if I change position or rub area. Have taken to sleeping on back to avoid this pain.

Earlier this pain was very severe, it seems to go and come over the weeks.

Today for instance sitting normally is leading to the pain.

Pain/tightness in PT when I try to engage quads, this seems to get better slowly and after massage sessions sometimes I can engage and it's not so bad.

Unable to lift straight leg without pain/tightness this is a no go area atm

Descending stairs unable to put weight on maximally bent leg (eccentric) smaller stairs are okay and if I support myself with rail.

Left leg also has developed/aggravated existing issues probably because of more work.

The beginning

Diagnosed with Patellar Tendonitis
Started about 3 months ago
Some progress, received diagnosis from MRI
No other complications

Keen cyclist
Played football at wedding
Knee pain day after wedding in PT up and downstairs
Rested a week seemed okay
Went back to cycling did some test rides without any real issues
Walked a bit delivering leaflets
Since then pains and swelling, leg collapsing while walking
Went to doc, referred for MRI diagnosis is Patellar Tendonitis/Tendonosis

White section below patella is the damage
"There is spindle-shaped thickening of the proximal to mid third of the patellar tendon, with maximum AP thickness of 9 mm. There is associated high signal seen within the intact patellar tendon. High signal noted in the Hoffa's fat pad."

"Normal quadriceps insertion and popliteus tendon insertion. Intact cruciate and collateral ligaments. No meniscal tear. Normal patellofemoral and femorotibial articular cartilage. No bone contusion. No loose bodies. No joint effusion. No Baker's cyst."

The Radiologists report is fairly conclusive.